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Turn on your computer/laptop/iPad, grab a pen and a notebook, open up Zoom, and take some time away from your annoying siblings to fire up your imagination through the written word. Or do it with them if you love them to bits! There will be a different theme each week, such as umbrellas, lizards, a memorable teacher, horrible food…, and readings of poems, plenty of light-hearted discussion, and tips from me. There will be time to write quietly, and you can write as little or as much as you like. There is no right or wrong when it comes to what you write - your words are your creation. I’d love to hear your ideas and words out loud, but no pressure to do this! Or... receive a weekly “poem and prompt” email if you prefer not to Zoom. Poems can be emailed to me for encouragement and feedback, but with no deadline so it’s not like homework!
On Zoom: Mondays 4.15-5pm
£8 per child (drop in), 10% off if booking half-termly in advance.
Via email: a “poem and prompt” email sent each Monday
£6 per child, 10% off if booking half-termly in advance.
Contact Katy at: for further details.
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